Computer Technology in Use at The age EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION

          Many think that the computer is less competent if given at an early age children, because it is difficult for those hard to reach a more concrete stage of thinking. But pnelitian show that at age 3 to 4 years old have a high sense of creativity and can be applied in the computer, if supported by appropriate educational soft ware, for example, LoGa kompiuter which is a language designed specifically as a learning environment. The kids write the programs that create an image through the command transfer "turtle" a small pointer on the screen. This type of productive activity can improve learning and creativity.


CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN?? Age and experience affect the child's social interaction. Interestingly the pattern of development appears both at the level of development from the youngest to the oldest as well as with experience in computer environment
such as logos.
Patterns include egocentric focus, followed by the orientation of peers in helping and teaching and ultimately cooperate with peers and independent of adult guidance.
      Individual differences also have an impact on social interaction. For example, children with high ability to act more dominant in group work with computers and are more likely to use in competitive interactions dengfan kompettitif software. Low-less-capable students who contribute to the cooperative computer activities and more likely to be scorned peers in a competitive situation.

Teacher Role?? Factors affecting teachers lingkungaKehadiran child interaction. Teachers facilitate the exchange of places and teach their peers through a set of environmental education. The biggest relief is to encourage children to use computers in pairs, pair the child allows them to work berssama well, pushing kooperatif.n very important is the role played by teachers.


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