Processors and growing

Processor / "CPU"

Processor known as the brains of the computer. But in reality this statement is less precise. Processor count is simply a tool appropriate. Such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division number.

There are two parts in a processor that perform calculations. The first part is called integer unit, integer unit is the task of overcoming a simple number, such as -5, 13, ½ and others and its main task is used for business applications, such as applications Word, spreadsheets, and the Windows Desktop.

The other half is called Floating Point Unit. The task of this unit address numbers are quite difficult, as root, pi, "e." and logarithms. This section is usually used in the process of making 3D games, to calculate the position of pixels, and ima
In recent years, Intel's processor has better performance than other processors, but AMD Athlon proseccor gradually has become a strict competitor to Intel.

Below will try to explain what that processor. Processor is a very important part of the computer. He can be likened to a computer brain. That is an electronic circuit that functions to logically respond to and process all instructions which turn on computer.

 How does its shape? Take a look at the picture below.

It is the latest image processor, both Intel and AMD.

The development of processors:

  1. The first generation       (1945-1955)
  2. The second generation  (1955-1965) 
  3. Third Generation          (1965-1971
  4.  The fourth generation    (1972-1977) 
  5. Fifth generation             (1978-present and next)

    1. (The first generation (1945-1955) 
    Processor / "CPU" shaped vacuum tubes and transistors)

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    Vacuum tubes are the original logic gates komputer.Mereka like a hot light bulb. An integrated circuit containing thousands of transistors. Semiconductor is a good conductor material and lies between the conductor material and nonkonduktor.Sedangkan transistor has a size of 1 / 100 times the size of vacuum tubes and have and have less power.

    2. (Second generation from 1955 to 1965) 
    Processor / "CPU" shaped transistors
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    Since the rapid component of semiconductor technology to produce transistors bring major changes to the computer world, many of the advantages the computer is compared with the first generation of computers (vacuum tube)The transistor was found at Bell Labs in 1947 and in 1950 launched the evolution of modern electronics. The first company to launch the product is an IBM computer with a transistor.The second generation also marked the emergence of the DEC in 1957 and launched its first computer, the PDP 1. This computer is very important for the development of third generation computers.Second generation computers replaced machine language with assembly language.Assembly language is a language that uses abbreviations to replace the binary code.CHARACTERISTICS OF SECOND GENERATION COMPUTER
    •  Use the form treansistor and circuit technology to replace the vacuum tube diode
    •  It uses operating high-level programming language like FORTRAN and COBOL 
    • The main memory capacity is developed from the Magnetic Core Storage Using foreign savings in the form of Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk
    • physical size is smaller than the first generation computer
    • The process is much faster operation
    Input using Punch Card (hole cards)  

    3. Third Generation (1965-1971)
    • elektronikanya component of the Integrated Circuit (IC) or chip-shaped plate• Programs are made with high-level language (High Level Language), namely: BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL• It applies the concept of multi-processing and can run the program more than one multi-programming in the same time• Can communicate with other devices to perform data communication such as telephone with a computer.• Nature-nature:o The size is smaller than the second generation computero Begin to know Multi Programming and Multi-Processingo The integration between Software and Hardware in Operating Systemso The process is very fasto The capacity to store more data.• The factory produces; IBM, BURROGHS, Honeywell, NCR• Examples of the machine; IBM S/360, UNIVAC 1108, PDP 8 & 11, Honeywell 200, RCA, Spectra 70.

    4.Generasi (since 1971)
    • Component of miniaturization elektronikanya called LSI and VLSI began introducing (Very Large Scale Integration), which is a blend of the IC with a capacity range to as high as 100,000 components per chip• Begin to develop a local computer network that uses ARCNet (Attach Research Computing Network)• Program created by language: BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL• Nature-nature:o The relatively smaller sizeo It is implementing the Multi Programming and Multi-Processingo Know the DataBase Management System (DBMS).• The factory produces; IBM, BURROGHS, Honeywell• Examples of the machine; IBM (IBM S/34, IBM S/36, IBM PC / AT & XT, IBM PS / 2), Honeywell 700, BURROGHS 600, Cray I, CYBER, PC Aplle II, Commodore PCFrom the fourth generation of computers is the development of the computer world is growing rapidly and is always a very rapid change, that we can enjoy today.

    5.Generasi Fifth (Since 1982-present )
     In this generation is marked by the emergence of: LSI (Large Scale Integration), which is the solidification of thousands of microprocessors into a microprocesor. In addition, also marked by the emergence of microprocessor and semi-conductors. Companies that make micro-processors are: Intel Corporation, Motorola, Zilog and others again. Market we can see a microprocessor from Intel with models 4004, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium.Ghz. The pictures that appear to be smoother and sharper, in addition to the speed of processing, sending or receiving images also become faster and faster.Pentium-4 produced by using technology 12:18 micron. With the smaller shape which resulted in power, flow and heat stress also issued smaller. With a faster processor cool, can produce a higher MHz speed. Speed-owned is 20 times faster than Pentium generation - 3.Packard Bell iXtreme 4140i is one of PC computers using the Pentium-4 as a processor with a speed of 1.4 GHz, 128 MB of RDRAM memory, hard drive of 40 GB (1.5 GB used for recovery), and GeForce2 MX video card with 32 MB memory.HP Pavilion 9850 is also a PC using a Pentium-4 to its processor speed of 1.4 GHz. PC Pentium-4 Hewllett-Packard came up with the dominant color is black and gray. Compared with other PC, Pavilion is a PC Pentium-4 with complete facilities. Owned by RDRAM Memory 128 MB, 30 GB hard drive with a monitor at 17 inches.The characteristics• The computer generation is still in the development stage and has not been a lot of the wearer. Genarasi computer development was pioneered by the Japanese state• Component elektronikanya use the most recent form of VLSI chips• Programs written in languages PROLOG (Logic Programming) and LISP (List Processor)• Computer fifth generation focused on the AI (Artificial Intelligence / Artificial Intelligence), which is something that relates to the use of computers to perform tasks that are analogues of human behavior.• Nature-nature:o It can help put together a program for himselfo Able to translate from one language to another languageo Able to make logical considerationso Able to hear the sentence spoken command and implement ito Can select a pile of facts and the facts necessaryo Able to process the images and graphics in the same way with word processing, for example, can see and understand a picture.



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