Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE)

Integrated Drive Electronics ( IDE ) 

- Maybe the standard disk controller of the most widely used, is now being replaced IDE controller that supports SATA standard. VirtualBox virtual IDE disk controller allows up to four storage devices to be connected to a virtual machine using the Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master and Secondary Slave slots. Secondary Master connections are provided for your CD / DVD devices, allowing for the attachment of three virtual hard disk to controller. If additional IDE disk is required, it will be necessary to allow VirtualBox SATA controller for the virtual machine as described above and use the SATA mode IDE compatibility.

Connect the IDE cable between the controller and hard disk to keep to find a red line on the cable side. Indeed, sometimes the connector provided with a pin to find, but it rarely happens. It is required that for the controllers and disks, pin 1 is each time connected together. In principle, the technician connects with red-dimensional wire on terminal 1 of each connector (with respect to the power supply connector).

Now you can start the PC. For the older BIOS, it is necessary to make the detection of a car (or even older to return parameters manually). Currently, the parameters of the hard disk undetected car.



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